
Welcome! I am Viktoriia - eshtetican.

Everyone dreams of glowing, smooth, firm and healthy skin.  The main beauty secrets are regular care, including the use of cosmetics, massages, face masks, peels and exfoliation, moisturizing, which are selected based on individual characteristics. 
A professional esthetician can help you with this.

Face Cleaning

If you have blackheads, comedones, uneven skin texture and enlarged pores, but you have never been to a professional cleaning, fix it urgently and make an appointment with a esthetician.  Cleansing is a simple but very effective procedure that will give you perfect skin.

Facial Massage

If you want your skin to remain elastic for as long as possible, pay attention to facial massage.  This pleasant procedure works in several directions at once:

-tightens the skin;
-eliminates swelling; 
-cleans lymphatic 
-improve complexion;
-fights premature aging of the skin.

Superficial Peels

The list of services of a esthetician includes superficial peels.  The essence of the procedure is to apply a special composition to the skin, which accelerates cell renewal. Peeling helps:

-cleanse pores;
-improve complexion;
-even out the microrelief of the skin;
-reduce fine wrinkles;
-lighten pigmentation.

This procedure is carried out in a course.  The number of sessions depends on the expected effect and the initial condition of the skin.  On average, 4-5 procedures are prescribed, it is enough to repeat the course twice a year.


HydraFacial uses technology
to cleanse, extract, & hydrate.
HydraFacial super serums are made with
nourishing ingredients that create an
instantly gratifying glow in just 3 steps:
Uncover a new layer of skin with gentle
exfoliation & relaxing resurfacing.
Remove debris from pores with painless
suction. Nourish with intense
moisturizers that quench the skin.
Saturate the skin's surface with
antioxidants & peptides to maximize
your glow.

!!!To achieve the goal, it is better to take a package of sessions for some procedures at a reduced price $$$